Mr MM Posted February 18, 2005 Posted February 18, 2005 Well! Trying not only to have fun... animating. Have a look and listen. Your comments are welcome. In modern society people get burnedout also on vacations. Perhaps it is media... burning us out? We - six billion communicating by electric media - hypnotized most of us of media electrified. Not as the way we have lived for seven million years - in small groups - about a hundred of us in each group - smelling, hugging, boxing, feeling the one you are talking with, listening to. You can test yourself to see your qualifications to get burnded out: Measure your wellness with the Adult APGAR Answer the 5 questions below, then click the button labeled "Calculate" to view your results. 1. I am satisfied with the ACCESS I have to my emotions -- to laugh, to be sad, to feel pleasure or even anger. 2. I am satisfied that my life's PRIORITIES are mine and clearly reflect my values. 3. I am satisfied with my commitment to personal GROWTH, to initiate and embrace change. 4. I am satisfied with the way I ask for ASSISTANCE from others, professionally and personally, when in trouble. 5. I am satisfied with the RESPONSIBILITY I take for my well-being -- physically, emotionally and spiritually. strugglingfellow.movFetching info... Quote
Mr MM Posted February 18, 2005 Author Posted February 18, 2005 Here a closeup of the struggling fellow! Quote
Mr MM Posted February 18, 2005 Author Posted February 18, 2005 Here is a brighter version - not so dark as the one before. The character is placed against a flickering monitor I have tried to make from an image on a model with poses. But it has not turned out so good. I hope someone can tell me how to make a flickering monitor. Can you make a flickering material, or? Hoping on some advice and still hoping to get some comments. You are welcome! strugglingfellowbright.movFetching info... Quote
J L Johnson Posted February 18, 2005 Posted February 18, 2005 Interesting link and the topic is illustrated very well by your movie. I think I'd try a solid background alternating between light and dark colors to get the flickering effect. You might vary the length that each color is displayed until you get the effect you're looking for. Quote
Mr MM Posted February 18, 2005 Author Posted February 18, 2005 Thanks for your nice words! You are a suggesting a solution on how to get a flickering effect but I just wonder how to vary the length that each color is displayed. I have to use poses? Perhaps there is someone knowing an example of how to do a flickering screen? Flickering materials are that possible? Can you use time-settings in materials? I am just a Newbie perhaps someone more Experienced have got a solution? Quote
Vash Posted February 19, 2005 Posted February 19, 2005 Flickering? Like glittering material? This is just a thought but you can use glow as a variable in key frames for a particle emitter. So for example, glow on frame 1,5,10,15,20 on well glow off frames 2-4,6-9,11-14,16-19. Here is a short example: P.S. The particles were supposed to go DOWN in the sphere not out. It looks totally %&$#@!^ AND how do you loop quicktime movies? dropper.movFetching info... Quote
Dhar Posted February 19, 2005 Posted February 19, 2005 Vash said: Flickering? Like glittering material? I think more like staggered flashes of light. Try keyframing different light sources/colors/intensities maybe? Quote
Vash Posted February 19, 2005 Posted February 19, 2005 You mean like camera flash flickering? Yeah set key frames for intensity like Dhar suggested. Open up the time line set one keyframe at 100% intensity and modify with custom points from there. Mine kind of got out of hand 1 because at times the intensity was -8.59173e+006% and lower and 2 because the bend in key frame was set to curve or whatever you call it and the frames hit low between keys. fliquer.movFetching info... Quote
Mr MM Posted February 19, 2005 Author Posted February 19, 2005 Thanks for your suggestions! What I want to have is a background showing the noise eg. on a TV-screen. And hopefully not only black and white noise - but RGB-noise - Red, Green, Blue - noise. I have had a look on this: made by the forum member aaver Perhaps that is the way to go? Making a noise-material. Someone having a noise-material to offer? Or some suggestions how to make it? The-War-Of-The-Ants-Material-Plugin.... Quote
Vash Posted February 19, 2005 Posted February 19, 2005 Making a material And using an already animated rotoscope. If you have an animation of noise on a tv you can import that to A:M. Go to images folder right click go to import and click on Image/Animation... and find the noise animation on your computer. Click and drag to the choreography. Set it where you want it and you have a noise background. The other option is a material like you said. Change attribute to Combiner>Turbulence>Fractal Sum. Set first attribut to white. Set second attribute to black. Use the translation properties to make the squiggles move. Of course it doesn't work perfectly. But heres a demonstration: No_receptionX.MOVFetching info... Quote
Dhar Posted February 19, 2005 Posted February 19, 2005 Mr MM said: Thanks for your suggestions! What I want to have is a background showing the noise eg. on a TV-screen. And hopefully not only black and white noise - but RGB-noise - Red, Green, Blue - noise. Now I get it. In the old days (back in the day) when TV stations went off the air all you get is the 'war of the ants' screen LOL I had no idea it was called that, but I guess it does look like ants at war. I don't know if TVs do that anymore with digital technology. Quote
Vash Posted February 19, 2005 Posted February 19, 2005 If you turn off your receiver but still have it hooked to the tv, it does show "war of the ants". Quote
Mr MM Posted February 19, 2005 Author Posted February 19, 2005 Thanks - A LOT! I have had a look on your movie - No_receptionX.MOV - It is the war of the ants but to me it seems a little cloudy - and their is only black and white ants - You are telling me to do a "war of the ants" material like this: Make a material, right click on Attribute 1 and go to Change type to>Combiner>Turbulence>Fractal Sum and set the first attribute to white and the second attribute to black. Change the octaves on Fractal Sum to 3.. To make the material not so cloudy perhaps there is some other settings? Setting the octaves to something else? Trying to get RGB-colors perhaps I can set the first attribute to red, second to green and a third to green? Perhaps I better make it with an animated Rotoscope - I will have a try! Thanks - A LOT! I have done an animated Antswar in Flash and exported as a moive. I will have a try with that one. But if you can figure out to make a RGB-colored - crisp ant-war-material I am grateful!!!!! antswarscreen1000.movFetching info... Quote
Mr MM Posted February 19, 2005 Author Posted February 19, 2005 Help! needed! AGAIN! Having done the movie And in an other version made it to a loop. And having imported this version to Animation Master and having dragging it into the Choreography. So what happens? Well I can not get it to loop!!!! Animation Master do not want to loop a .mov-file that is made to loop and does it then I am playing it in the QuickTime player. But Animation Master does not understand???? how to loop! There is no loop "button" under Images! An there is no loop alternative in the Rotoscope menu in the Choreography! How to do it? Quote
Vash Posted February 20, 2005 Posted February 20, 2005 I was going to post this earlier but the more tired I get, the less track I can keep. Change the first attribut to Fractal Sum so there should be a Fractal Sum with a Fractal Sum and an attribute. This allows you to have three attributes-red green and blue. Or give them the color you like. For less cloudiness change Fractal sum's properties to Scale 50% Y and X axises and 100%Z axis and change amplitude to 150%. Make sure you do this to BOTH fractal sum's properties. Now follow the moving for random fuzziness as I explained before. For the rotoscope you (I think) can set it to repeat. I don't know. But this here movie was done with a material: One last thing: you also have to set keyframes for the second fractal sum or it looks like it does in the movie. War_of_the_ants.MOVFetching info... Quote
Mr MM Posted February 20, 2005 Author Posted February 20, 2005 Thanks again for all your research/experimentation on "War of Ants" material! You have done a good job I must say. I have some questions to you! Have you only been testing-experimenting to find out this? Or where do you go - to which source do you go to find answers to questions about A:M? I had a look in the A:M help file about Rotoscope Properties: ************************************* Visible: Sometimes The number of times this image is to repeat itself. Seamless Visible: Sometimes, Default: OFF When the image repeats, the seamless property flips the image on every repeat. Causing the image to look "seamless". This is most useful on repetitive textures. Frame Visible: Sometimes, Default: 0sec When the image is an animation (or sequence of images), this property sets which frame to use out of the original animation. If this property is marked as "-not set-", the current frame from the interface is used automatically. This will cause the animation to animate as it was originally intended. This property can also be keyframed to have the sequence play out of order. For instance, if the original animation is one second, and at frame 0 you set the Time property to be 1 second, and at 2 seconds you set it to be 0, the sequence will play backwards at half speed. ************************************* I must say it is stated "sometimes" many times. And I cannot find any information on looped videos. Will A:M be able to loop - looped videos? Not - what I have realized. I have had a look on the different A:M forums - I cannot find any forum for technical help - or any bug-forum. If I and you do not only want to think it will be possible to loop videos in Rotoscopes - there to go? Do I have to email the hash people to ask? If we want to know... :D Thanks again to your excellent contribution to the "War of Ants" material. Quote
Mr MM Posted February 20, 2005 Author Posted February 20, 2005 If you want to have a try with a looping movie - trying to get it looping in a rotoscope in a choreography I have made a small looping video only 170 kbytes to download. You can find it - - down here: antswarmonitorlooping.movFetching info... Quote
Mr MM Posted February 20, 2005 Author Posted February 20, 2005 Here comes the original too - a Flash-file with an animated bitmap - that can give you a movie 1000*1000 pixels if you Export it from Flash and then in eg Premiere change it to do a loop to use as a Rotoscope background in a Choreography - hopefully you can get the movie to loop - I cannot!!!!! rgb_noise01.zipFetching info... Quote
Vash Posted February 20, 2005 Posted February 20, 2005 Mr MM said: Have you only been testing-experimenting to find out this? Or where do you go - to which source do you go to find answers to questions about A:M? Unfortunately, yes. I usually call them but now I just post my problem in the forums. But sometimes a strange idea comes through and you never know when it will come in usefull. One other thing-I don't have flash so I really can't help you there. Quote
Mr MM Posted February 20, 2005 Author Posted February 20, 2005 If you want to help me you do not need Flash. You can just download - - a little looping movie - and try to figure out how to get it to loop as a Rotoscope in a Choreography. Hopefully it is no proböem for you to get it to loop for about 9 seconds. I have tried but not succeded! Thanks in advance! Quote
Vash Posted February 20, 2005 Posted February 20, 2005 How do I import a flash because I can't seem to get it into A:M? Quote
Mr MM Posted February 20, 2005 Author Posted February 20, 2005 No, no, Mr Vash. You do not need to import any Flash. It is the looping movie - - I meant you can import and make to a hopefully looping rotoscope in a choreography. It is smalll - if you play it you can see it loops. Just right click on its name to download it. You can find it some posts earlier but I will send it again. Now you find it downbelow: antswarmonitorlooping.movFetching info... Quote
Vash Posted February 20, 2005 Posted February 20, 2005 Oh yeaah, that would make more sense! I saw that it was set to go for 14 frames so I extended that to 30 frames, but I don't know if you like the way this looks. If you do I will tell you how I did it. RGB_Ants_making....MOVFetching info... Quote
Mr MM Posted February 20, 2005 Author Posted February 20, 2005 That looks good to me if you can get it going like this - repeating - with a duration of 10 seconds. I am really interested! Perhaps it is as easy as I did it - have a look on the picture or have you thought out something brighter??? Quote
zandoriastudios Posted February 20, 2005 Posted February 20, 2005 Here is how you set the action or video to repeat Quote
Mr MM Posted February 20, 2005 Author Posted February 20, 2005 Thanks again! Now I can make backgrounds in Flash.... can be nice... not only ants.... can come alive! Sorry but you are not allowed to use as many emoticons as you wish.... perhaps my emotions are expressed with the ones I am allowed to send.... Vash perhaps have an good way to go too? It looked good the movie you sent. All good ways are good as they say! the ones knowing the good ways... Quote
Vash Posted February 20, 2005 Posted February 20, 2005 Um yeah that's the way I did it. The way you (Mr.MM) showed. By the way, what does MM stand for anyway? Quote
Mr MM Posted February 20, 2005 Author Posted February 20, 2005 As you know every sound - like M - or combination of sounds like - MM - you can let stand for whatever you want. It is up to your imagination. In this case MM stands for God, Jehova, Allah, Car, CoffeCup, Hickup.... it is one of all possible "one and only words" you can use for everyting so you can take your self beyond Natural Science or every other belief.... making you so desperate in your search for truth that you will sit down to be breathed by what? That is the riddle you self have to solve - leaving your - I - in your utmost effort to get to know the truth .... The question is the answer as you perhaps know.. or you can think about it... Well - MM stands for MultiMedia not Flickering and not Noisy.... that is an easier alternative so you have something to believe in... before starting to get lost... Have you been Googling on Tesla? I will give you some unsorted links: Everything here I hope is NOT to believe in, but it can be interesting to study, if you do not take everything for true. As you can understand were the things Tesla invented on both good and bad as everyting else is - but earlier - man 7 million years old living in small groups about a hundred person in each group feeling, smelling, listening, talking to the others - we did not have those enormous forces - powers - Tesla gave us! So perhaps we better stop searching for knowledge, or what do you think or there will our search for knowledge lead us? Nobody knows I think, but man is perhaps not made for handling too big forces.... man is more made for living in small communities as we did for seven miilions years before we learnt to farm 10 000 years ago, and before Gallileo Gallilei sat in the cathedral in Piza about 1587 3.15 pm taking his pulse to figure out the time it took for the lamps hanging down from the ceiling to swing back and forth - to put this on paper as a formula connecting time and space. That was only 400 years ago.. And the formula for sending canon balls he wrote down 1608... Well and then came Tesla... Perhaps thoose thougts can bring up some animation-fantasy? Quote
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